its him who is missing out
there never has been so much to listen to since scanners came out
i have brought 3 new scanners in last 3 weeks cheap and secondhand,the one i
really want i cant afford,but maybe by the endo of the year,i have one of
them already but the BC250 is so good i want another one.
i really cant see ok one time you listened to a shopwatch it was boring
well most times onb police it is boring
yes major incidents/riots/public disorder/major events/royal and special
visits then i go out of my way to go to where the action is,but
burglary down the road,someone pnched his wife is boring as well.
car chases again good fun to listen to,but in an average day prob an hours
action,the rest is routine.
remember to keep an eye on your local town centre and area the only way in
future will be shopwatch/commnity wardens etc.
so get with it,thousands of people scan other things than just police,police
is 1% of my hobby
Post by Troy R.So what you mean to say is that scanning is dead for you. For people that
listen to other things, i.e. airband, then nothing has really changed.
Post by TonyPost by NewUKScannerIs there any benefit in buying a digital scanner over an analouge one,
for use in the UK?
It's not worth buying an analog scanner nowadays, never mind a digital
With most of the interesting users rapidly going over to encrypted
digital (Airwave etc.), the UK scanning hobby is nearly dead and will
be *totally* dead within the next year or so, IMHO.
And before anyone jumps in and tells me to monitor "shopwatch",
airband or local council frequencies, I'd like to say that I've tried,
and found that watching a patch of Dulux drying *vastly* more
RIP - UK Scanning :-(